welcome to the johnson family blog~ my name is mindy & my husband is brian, aka baja. we have been married since 08.08.08. the two of us became the five of us! our tiny baby bird, vivienne, arrived 04.12.12, baby lucielle came on 08.06.13 and baby edith on 11.19.15. thanks for stopping by our blogsite. here you'll find our photography work & our personal life, everything from family portraits to what’s going on in our life. it’s both a blog (to connect with friends and family who live a little too far away) & a journal/scrapbook (to remember all the little details as our family changes). so welcome, thanks for coming & enjoy! contact me at: hopefeathers {at} me {dot} com.

March 10, 2015

Viv says...

One month shy of 3 years old:

I put jeans on Vivi today she said, "No mama girls don't wear jeans. Only boys wear jeans and Papa's. Mamas and girls don't." (Guess I need to change up my leggings and yoga pants routine!)


The girls always snuggle for a couple mins in Vivi's bed before naps. Viv said, "No mama don't take Lulu! She's my itty bitty teeny tiny baby best sister!"


"Someone decorated!" The dinosaur toys at the library were lined up in a row when we got there.


"I think Gloria is feeling stressed out." Viv said about the crying little newborn baby who came to our house for a play date.


"I have a secret- (whispering) you'll always be my best friend and snuggler!"


"Mommy go as fast as you can. Are there any cops behind us?" (insert wide eyed shocked emoji! Where did she hear that?!?)


"Tooting is fun. But it smells stinky."


As we drove by a Starbucks Viv said, "Mommy are you going to get a nummy coffee? Something that tastes good with ice cream and marshmallows and cream? And sugar too please? That's my favorite." I don't know what drink she is referring to, but I'll take one!

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