welcome to the johnson family blog~ my name is mindy & my husband is brian, aka baja. we have been married since 08.08.08. the two of us became the five of us! our tiny baby bird, vivienne, arrived 04.12.12, baby lucielle came on 08.06.13 and baby edith on 11.19.15. thanks for stopping by our blogsite. here you'll find our photography work & our personal life, everything from family portraits to what’s going on in our life. it’s both a blog (to connect with friends and family who live a little too far away) & a journal/scrapbook (to remember all the little details as our family changes). so welcome, thanks for coming & enjoy! contact me at: hopefeathers {at} me {dot} com.

May 31, 2013

Lilac Bush

It's spring! I am obsessed with the blooming cheery blossom trees! Unfortunately, I was one thunderstorm and windy day too late to capture any photos of Viv with the trees. So this morning, I scouted out a lilac bush for a little impromptu spring photo session. I learned a few things this morning. 1) It's true that photographing your own children is about 57 times more difficult than shooting others' children. 2). I'm far too pregnant to be squatting, kneeling, posing, chasing entertaining, and shooting a one year old by myself. I'll definitely be recruiting the help of either Brian or my sister for future sessions. 3). Viv is getting really fast, even if she can't walk yet. I, on the other hand, am slowing down! 4). I have the cutest baby ever! Ok, that last one wasn't something I learned this morning... but it was definitely confirmed! Golly, I love her!

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