At one year old:
- Lulu can say a few words: Mama, Dada, ba (balloon, ball), up, and more.
- Lulu can also sign please, more, and thank you.
- She LOVES to eat and doesn't seem to ever get full. Her favorites are raisins, yogurt, berries, cheese, pickles and chicken.
- Lulu still isn't crawling. She is (maybe) getting close. She sits in one spot and spins like a windmill to see everything around her. I can put her in one spot on the floor and come back and she's somehow moved several feet... inch by inch without crawling haha. It's not very effective, but I guess she's moving.
- Lu is OBSESSED with standing and pulling up to stand and walking while holding our fingers. Maybe she'll just skip crawling?
- Lulu's favorite toy is her Foxie. By far! She squeals in delight and wiggles and wiggles when she has Foxie in her arms.
- She is sleeping 11-12 hours a night (yay!) and still takes a 2 hour morning nap and a 3 hour afternoon nap.
- She has 9-10 teeth. She doesn't like when we try to open her mouth for a peek.
- She has become super flexible and easy going.
- She loves to be apart of whatever is going on, but doesn't really want to be the center of attention.
- She hates loud noises (aka fireworks, garbage trucks, train whistles). She makes the funniest face and then buries her head in my neck.
- She LOVES singing and being sung to.
- Viv is still her favorite person and they are beginning to play together and wrestle and giggle like crazy. It's just the cutest!
- She also doesn't sit still for photos very easily anymore and is so curious!