My, oh my! We have a two year old! Wowzer! And what an adorable little two year old she is! Everyone talks about the "terrible two's". And while I can definitely see some fierce independence shining through, I can't imagine two being anything but fun. Sure Viv is feisty and that has it's pros and cons, but all in all she is a
sweet, sassy, silly, snazzy, social, little smartypants that we love so dearly! She can bring a smile to anyone. She had the most fantastic imagination. She remembers EVERYTHING. She is a friend to everyone. She is a Mama's girl but adores her Papa. She is sweetly protective of Lulu. She a little clown who will do anything for a laugh... especially from Lulu. She is quite the girlie girl and loves to dress up with hats, jewelry, scarves, bows and shoes. She's the cutest!
Viv's two year old Interview:
Her favorite book is the Jesus Storybook Bible.
Her favorite movie is Frozen.
Her favorite music is Frozen.
When she grows up she wants to be a Cinderella Princess.
Her favorite color is Shiny Hearts (haha).
Her favorite shape is a heart.
Her favorite foods are eggs or raisins.
Her favorite treat is chocolate or popcorn.
Her favorite toy is Roxie.
Her favorite favorite activity is to get Starbucks and go to the Park or to play at the Library.