welcome to the johnson family blog~ my name is mindy & my husband is brian, aka baja. we have been married since 08.08.08. the two of us became the five of us! our tiny baby bird, vivienne, arrived 04.12.12, baby lucielle came on 08.06.13 and baby edith on 11.19.15. thanks for stopping by our blogsite. here you'll find our photography work & our personal life, everything from family portraits to what’s going on in our life. it’s both a blog (to connect with friends and family who live a little too far away) & a journal/scrapbook (to remember all the little details as our family changes). so welcome, thanks for coming & enjoy! contact me at: hopefeathers {at} me {dot} com.

January 23, 2012

28 weeks

For some reason, this week we never got around to taking "good photos" of me and Baby Bird. In fact, technically I am already in week 29 and I haven't posted from last week! Therefore, Brian took some pictures of me on my iPhone and we are going to just go with that haha. 

I have really been cherishing all of the uninterrupted time I have on my hands these days. While raising support  to do ministry full time has been an emotional roller-coaster, I have really treasured the hours of time Brian and I have had to make coffee and read our Bibles in front of our (fake) fireplace. We found a fireplace "movie" on netflix.com and have been snuggling up in front of a crackling fire haha. It's been such a joy to have this time because we know that in a few weeks our lives will be changing and we won't have the ability to spend hours in prayer or reading! I was reading in Jeremiah the other day and it hit me that before Baby Bird was even a thought in our minds, the Lord knew him/her! Jeremiah 1:5 - "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you." It made me tear up when I read that passage. Lately, Baby Bird has been squirming even more than usual. Because he/she is running out of room, I am able to feel every roll of the knees, elbows, feet, and little bum. It's awesome. But each time, I can't help but wonder, "Who is in there?" I wonder if it's Crosby or Vivienne? So when I read this verse, I was in awe of the fact that the Lord not only knows who is in my belly, but He planned it from the beginning of time! He has numbered the hairs on Baby Bird's head. He knows the moment Baby Bird will be born. He has planned each and every day of his/her life! Brian and I have been praying continually that the Lord will draw our baby to himself and that Baby Bird will treasure what Jesus Christ has done.

In addition to the rolling and wiggling, Baby Bird has been getting a lot of hiccups. It's totally adorable. It's a little rhythmic reminder of our squirmy baby. Baby Bird has been getting a real treat lately and has been the recipient of lots of spur of the moment songs from Daddy. Brian loves to make up songs on the spot and sings to Baby Bird often. They are usually quite silly and ridiculous, but it's really adorable. I love the time that we have spend both enjoying our baby roll around. I've still been getting a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions. Sometimes as many as 15-20 a day! One night I have about 6 or 7 in a row with in an hour and started to get nervous about labor! It was 11pm and I had no idea if I needed to call the doctor and what number to call! It was kind of a wake up call for Brian and I to start thinking through a plan. Neither of us are real big planners so we need to step it up a bit. Labor and birth doesn't really seem like something we should "just wing it" haha.

This week has begun the "great apartment rearranging of 2012". We have a two bedroom apartment but it's super SUPER tiny so we've been trying to decide if we will stay here or move. And if we move, when? We finally decided that we should try to stay here with the cheap rent as long as possible. This means we have a LOT of rearranging to do! Our second bedroom has been a guest room/movie room since we moved in. Now we have to get rid of/store some unnecessary furniture in our living room so we can bring our couch and TV wardrobe into that room. We moved the TV wardrobe into the living room last night. By "we" of course I mean Brian did the work and I sat at the kitchen table and watched as I snacked on a clementine orange. I can't wait to get the baby room all to myself so I can decorate and feel like we're really going to have a kid! The only thing I have done so far is sew some yellow zig-zag curtains. I have loved dreaming about the finished product of the room by "pinning" a lot of ideas in my nursery pinterest board.

Last week I had my glucose tolerance screening test at the OB. This is a standard test for all preggos. Basically, you have to fast all night/morning and when you arrive at the doctor you need to drink a bottle of this icky, super sweet, lime glucose stuff in 5 mins. It kinda reminded me of a Sonic Limeade that all the ice had melted in. Slightly carbonated, but mostly a sickly sweet lime drink. Then after an hour they test the glucose levels in your blood to see how your body is breaking down sugars. In the meantime, I had an appointment with the nurse. Baby Bird's heartbeat has continued to be around 150 bpm at every appointment. We are also still on track to have a "giant" as baby bird is measuring at 31 weeks! When they tested my blood I ended up failing my glucose tolerance test by 1 point! So bummed. This means that for the next 3 days I have to carbo-load at every meal (like eat a TON of carbs) and then have another test first thing Monday morning. The drink is going to be twice as sweet and I have to stick around for 3 hours (!) so they can test my blood every hour. If I "fail" this test then I probably have gestational diabetes. The nurse said she doubts I do because I was only 1 point over and that they need to do the 3 hour test just to make sure. It's kind of funny to have a doctor request for me to eat such "bad" foods! I have to meet a certain requirement of carbs each day and I don't even think I can handle eating that much food! Yikes! It just feels like a bummer to "fail" at something even though it has nothing to do with me of what I've been doing. It's just my body having a hard time processing sugar. I definitely took it personally at first and Brian had to remind me that it's not my fault haha. He's so sweet! So fingers crossed that I pass the 3 hour glucose test on Monday!

 (L) Reading The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller at Starbucks while sharing a Salted Carmel Mocha (yum!). We've only read the intro so far and it's SO GOOD! (R) The curtains I've sewn for Baby Bird's room.
 (L) Stacey and I are our niece's 6th birthday party! We had ice cream cone cupcakes that were so good! (R) The crazy mess from the beginning of the apartment rearranging (still in process).
(L) Cozy "fireplace" snuggles with coffee and Bible. (R) Next year someone tiny and adorable will wear this sweater!

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