welcome to the johnson family blog~ my name is mindy & my husband is brian, aka baja. we have been married since 08.08.08. the two of us became the five of us! our tiny baby bird, vivienne, arrived 04.12.12, baby lucielle came on 08.06.13 and baby edith on 11.19.15. thanks for stopping by our blogsite. here you'll find our photography work & our personal life, everything from family portraits to what’s going on in our life. it’s both a blog (to connect with friends and family who live a little too far away) & a journal/scrapbook (to remember all the little details as our family changes). so welcome, thanks for coming & enjoy! contact me at: hopefeathers {at} me {dot} com.

August 24, 2016

Edith 9 month update

Growing growing growing! This little strawbaby is now in her 9th month! Her personality is starting to grow and she is so dearly loved!

At 9 months old, Edith:
  • is quite the chatterbox. She says "da da da da" on repeat constantly and pauses only to gurgle or squeal loudly. 
  • is getting more attached to Squirrelly and loves to snuggle him to fall asleep.
  • still loves nursing, but is very easily distracted by the sounds of her sisters and whips her head back and forth trying to find them. Ouch! haha. 
  • has the bluest sweetest eyes!
  • wears size 12-18 months.
  • loves to eat. Her favorite foods are greenbeans, Chipotle, ice water, anything salty or savory. She HATES carrots and sweet potatoes.
  • sleeps 11-12 hours a night. She occasionally wakes up once around 7, nurses and sleeps another hour.
  • is a giggle goose. Lulu and Papa get the most smiles and giggles.
  • is a Mama's girl and is starting to prefer for Mama to hold her or at least always be in the same room.
  • has three teeth.... on the bottom. Her top teeth have been coming in for a whole MONTH, but the gums just keep stretching! I've been saying "any day" for a while now, but I really think it will be any day now haha.
  • hates sunglasses but likes hats.
  • is easy going enough to nap on the go if needed. Which most days means she will take a 20 minute morning nap in the car while we are out and about. 
  • loves water! The bath and the pool are always a big hit!
  • is starting to crawl. Sorta. She does a sort of army crawl and she moves forward by shear will. Time to baby proof and remind the big girls constantly to pick up the small toys.
  • is squishy delishy delightful :)

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