welcome to the johnson family blog~ my name is mindy & my husband is brian, aka baja. we have been married since 08.08.08. the two of us became the five of us! our tiny baby bird, vivienne, arrived 04.12.12, baby lucielle came on 08.06.13 and baby edith on 11.19.15. thanks for stopping by our blogsite. here you'll find our photography work & our personal life, everything from family portraits to what’s going on in our life. it’s both a blog (to connect with friends and family who live a little too far away) & a journal/scrapbook (to remember all the little details as our family changes). so welcome, thanks for coming & enjoy! contact me at: hopefeathers {at} me {dot} com.

July 22, 2013

37 weeks pregnant - shooting a wedding!

Oh dear! This pregnancy is flying by! Lord willing, in two weeks and a couple days, Lucielle will be here. On Saturday, I shot my last wedding before I become a Mommy of two! I have had this wedding booked for over a year. So when we found out we were pregnant (surprise!), I did some quick math and realized this wedding would take place three weeks before my due date! I'm so glad that I have the best clients ever and they felt great about me continuing as their wedding photographer. Of course, I had Stacey as my second shooter, but I also hired a third shooter to help out just in case. The three of us had a blast shooting, laughing, and making fun of my waddle. There is nothing easy about being a wedding photographer. It's totally what I love doing, but it's a tough gig and a LONG day normally, so being 9 months pregnant makes for a CRAZY tough day! I prepared as best as I could. We had a case of water bottles in the car. I wore a pregnancy support belt under my dress. I had tums and Tylenol in my camera bag. And I wore my most comfortable flip flops. I feel quite accomplished after surviving being on my feet shooting for 12+ hours. The warm bath I took as soon as I got home was complete heaven! My poor feet/ankles swelled larger than I thought possible. They still haven't gotten back to normal, but a couple days of resting with them elevated, Brian's foot rubs, and floating in the pool has really helped. As for my aching back and hips? I think they are done for until this 4ft tall, 37lb baby comes out!
As much as I LOVE growing babies and being pregnant, I totally forgot how much "fun" these last few weeks are when you feel like and people treat you like you're a ticking time-bomb. When rolling over in bed is the most difficult thing ever! When you have to get up 2-3 times a night to either pee or eat some tums! Not to mention the aching back and hips, swollen-ness, and penguin waddle! Even her wiggles and hiccups are starting to get uncomfortable because there is literally no where for her to stretch! But I LOVE the way Viv gives her kisses and hugs and points our her "baybee" whenever she can. I LOVE that Lulu is safe and cozy in my tummy. I LOVE that I don't have to share her with anyone and we're always together. I LOVE how each movement reminds me of the amazing miracle pregnancy is. I am so in love with this baby! And I am even more so in awe of her Creator!

At my 35 OB appointment, my fundal height measurement was 41cm! Big girl! Doc estimated her to be 7lbs at that point already and predicts that she will be 9+lbs at birth. Vivienne was 9lbs exactly, so I suppose I wouldn't be surprised if Lulu was that big as well. My 36 weeks appointment, my fundal height was 40cm. Yay! Actually closer the "normal" range haha. Now that we are doing weekly appointments, It's kind of fun to record her measurements. Looking back at old blog posts, Lucielle seems to be growing at a really similar rate to Vivienne. I wonder what she will measure at this week's appt???

According to Baby Center, "Your baby is now considered "full term," even though your due date is three weeks away. If you go into labor now, his lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb. Your baby weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel (about the size of a bunch of Swiss chard)."

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